Oeufs Cocotte and Chicken Cottages
Oeufs Cocotte. Sounds fancy, but couldn't be simpler. Recipe below. |
This week I've had chickens on my mind. We have decided to get four baby chicks to keep as pets and produce fresh eggs. Before the chickens, however, we need a coop. As I did a bit of research on chicken coops, I found that there were many many different styles. From cottage to craftsman to modern, one can find a coop to match any home. Here are a few of my favorites.

What a wonderful way to teach kids respect for where their food comes from. I am going to be much happier collecting eggs from the backyard than the grocery store. And I we will enjoy our eggs more knowing that they came from happy chickens. Have you tried fresh eggs? They are so much tastier than grocery store eggs. The perfect quick recipe for fresh eggs is Oeufs Cocotte. It often contains bacon, but I prefer a vegetarian one. I just made this for myself and L for lunch and it was perfect.
Oeufs Cocotte
Printable Recipe
Makes 1 Serving
chopped vegetables, sauteed in olive oil, salt and pepper (about 1/8 cup)
1 tablespoon creme fraiche (other soft cheeses would work as well)
1 egg
freshly ground pepper
course sea salt
fresh herbs such as chives, parsley, or dill
Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
Place vegetables and creme fraiche in a ramekin. Crack an egg over top. Place in a baking dish and fill baking dish with hot water so that it comes half-way up the ramekin. Bake 10-15 minutes or until egg reaches desired doneness.